Request Price Estimate
Complete this form to receive a price estimate for services at UVA Health. This won't provide a final, total bill amount. The tool only provides an estimate. You're responsible for any additional charges not included in the estimate.
Possible Additional Charges
We can't predict all the actual services you will need during your visit or stay. That's why we can only provide an estimate of costs.
Additional charges can vary. What this estimate doesn't do:
- Incorporate rehab, home health or other pre- and post-operative care costs
- Allow for complications
- Reflect charges from additional tests, services or medicines you might require during the course of your visit or stay
- Determine the exact amount you will owe
The estimate does:
- Include doctor fees (i.e., surgeon, radiologist, anesthesiologist, pathologist, emergency department doctor, etc.)
- Account for your individual health insurance with a review of your insurance benefits
Still have questions? View our price estimate and cost FAQs.
You can also contact us at 434.243.7283 or by email.
Get an Estimate
For the most accurate estimate, provide as much detail as possible. If you have questions about how to complete the form, please contact your doctor's office for help.
You should receive an estimate in about two business days. Complex cases may take longer.
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